Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0235.png”,BFM Business FR Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0232.png”,Cherie 25 HD FR Tvg-id=”TMC.fr” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0218.png”,TMC FR Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0241.png”,Rouge FR Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0238.png”,Montagne FR Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0239.png”,Cartoon Network FR Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0231.png”,RMC HD FR Tvg-id=”KTO.fr” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0243.png”,kto FR Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0228.png”,L’Equipe HD FR Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0221.png”,Direct Star Tvg-id=”” group-title=”French” tvg-logo=”0206.png”,Canal+ FR Then to have the proper images and guide entries I fixed the following channels To match the guide the following channel IDs need to be renamed: There are a few things I had fixed on my end that you my be interested in fixing as well. Thanks very much for “upgrading” the service and for adding a bunch of new French channels. Ihr könnte den Dienst bis zu drei Tage nach Abo-Start kündigen, falls ihr nicht zufrieden seid.
Wie programmier ich kodi tv#
Alle deutschen TV Sender laufen ohne Hänger. Ein Addon für Kodi gibts auch, damit ist das setup kinderleicht.īin gerade am testen und es “flutscht” wunderbar.

Ich bin auf meinem Raspberry 2 gerade mit einer französichen IP unterwegs. Ein VPN service “versteckt” eure echte IP. Habe mir vor zwei Stunden ein VPN account bei zugelegt. The montly subscriptions costs 7.99 $ and they accept paypal. You can cancel your subscription within three days if you are not satisfied. All German Channels are working with no lag at all. Testing it right now, and it works very good. They even offer a Kodi Add-on for easy setup of your VPN. I am using a french IP on my raspberry 2 at the moment. Using this service will hide your real IP. I signed up to This is a VPN Service Provider. Most public proxies are very, very slow and not very reliable. The proxy solution isnt really a solution IMHO. So far I noticed that within 30mins or so the urls are getting updated, rebooting the device / restarting kodi is the easiest way to make it work again. This is a unix timestamp that actually tells you when this url stops functioning. (Just for geeks): if you look very closely at the urls within the playlist, you can notice an expiration timestamp for that very domain at the end of the url in the format 14xxxx. Solution: if you open the links in a browser or use wget you get here: ģ.

Raspberry Pi related: out of the box openelec and other kodi frameworks for the Pi seem to have trouble using the service (i.e. With this service I’m able to watch more channels from some country than with any highend premium cable provider package, which is just great.Ģ. I’d like to add three things to this discussion 🙂ġ.and foremost: thanks a lot for whoever manages to keep this sources up to date.